Now Orphaned Vehicles Can Be Recycled

The strict recycling laws relating to cars are some of the most efficient in any industry but there are some vehicles that up to now have been excluded from recycling, these were known as "orphaned cars". The End Of Life process insist that the disposal of vehicles must be paid for by the original manufacturers. But as in all businesses there are brands that no longer exist and so these vehicles are know a orphaned as in their there is no one responsible for the costs of safe recycling.

selection of vehicles that may be seen as orphaned

SMMT Steps In

However on the 2nd of February this situation has been rectified as the "Society of Motor Manufactures and Traders" has partnered with Autogreen to start a service that offers a free recycling service for those orphaned vehicles. This needed to be done as the target of 95% disposal laws had recently come into place.

Less Landfill Than Other Industries

The impressive figure form 2105 shows that only 2% of waste from recycling plants found their way into landfill. Many other industries could learn something from the determination of the motor trade.

For many owners though the expectation is to get paid some sort of money settlement for their End Of Life Vehicle. So in many cases the start of recycling occurs after private ownership.